Where Your Breast Implants Will Be Placed?

If you’re considering breast augmentation in Dubai, there are several questions you will be required to discuss with a plastic surgeon before making a final decision. Among other important questions that you should ask during your breast augmentation is “where the breast implants will be placed?”

breast augmentation in Dubai

Most of the patients don’t know that there are numerous choices when it comes to the placement of breast implants. These implants may be placed under or over the muscles, and many factors control the optimal implant placement for each patient, including:

  • Body type
  • Health
  • Implant size
  • Saline vs. silicone implants
  • Individual goals

Board-certified and professional plastic surgeons who have performed plenty of breast augmentation surgeries will direct the right position for implants. Moreover, patients must understand the advantage and disadvantages of the two different placement options.

Subglandular Placement

It is also known as “over the muscle” placement and used where the implant is positioned between chest muscle and the breast tissue areas. When the muscle positioning is done, implants lie below the glands of the breast.


Patients tend to have less movement of implants during physical activity, as well as less discomfort right after the surgery.


The appearance can be more artificial now. The reading may fluctuate during mammograms. Patients may also experience capsular contracture that occurs due to scar tissue. It usually forms around the implant tightens and squashes the implant.

Submuscular Placement

The second option is known as submuscular or under the muscle replacement of breast implants. This technique is used for the placement of the implant under the pectoralis major chest muscle.


Patients may experience more accurate mammograms than before. The submuscular placement tends to generate a natural appearance and a reduced rate of capsular contracture.


Some patients may experience discomfort after having the surgery with a longer post-surgical recovery. 

The Role Of Chest Muscle

Chest muscles play an important role in breast augmentation with regards to the optimal placement of implants. Each patient will vary in the amount of muscle and this could be a great factor in determining whether the subglandular or submuscular placement is the best decision.

The anatomy of each patient must be factored in. For example, women who have strong or large chest muscles will be best for over the muscle positioning of implants. With larger chest muscles there will be a tendency for distortion as the chest muscles are flexed. In these cases, sub-glandular placement is advised.

Start Your Brest Augmentation Journey With B-Spoke

If you think that a subglandular placementor submuscular placementmight be an ideal choice for you, head toward B-Spoke. From filler for cheeks to breast augmentation, we have got you covered. Here you meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Faisal Salim for a detailed consultation. We strive to deliver the highest standards of care and provide an unparalleled patient journey. Transform your body the way you want with professionals!

Published by B-Spoke Clinic

An exclusive cosmetic aesthetic clinic in UAE and B-Spoke Clinic, specialize in plastic surgery, dermatology, laser hair removal, anti-aging and skin tightening.

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